Translated into
15 different languages
Users in more than 110+ countries
PB's of data protected everyday by Comet
Millions of backup
completed jobs monthly

Our Origin Story

Our roots in backup started long before Comet

In the early 2000's, we were a large provider of managed backup services in the B2B space. Around 2010, we sold this business, and focussed on commercialising an internal tool that we had created for monitoring and managing the various off-the-shelf backup solutions. This tool was MyClient.

During this time, it became clear to us that there was an opportunity for a new backup vendor that had a focus on developing its technology and functionality for the rapidly evolving IT service industry.

So in 2015, we started developing our own backup solution based on all our years of direct experience in the backup space, and feedback from customers.

We chose the name Comet because we wanted something different and not boring - because we don't do boring. In 2017, after much R&D and closed beta testing, we launched Comet Backup, and a strong new player in the industry was born.

Nexus Data Backup
MyClient Global
Comet Development Begins
Comet Backup Launched

Our Awards

High Performer - Winter 2025 Emerging favourite for the Best Backup Server category Backup Software FrontRunner Category Leader in Backup and Server Backup Momentum Leader - Winter 2025